Auto-pick Results for PoroTomo Files: AIC_Stage1_Picks.txt AIC_Stage2_Picks.txt AIC_Stage3_Picks.txt AIC_Stage4_Picks.txt File structure: The files list the source time and location for a vibe sweep stack followed by the travel time to each nodal instrument and two means of pick quality assessment. [Year] [Month] [Day] [Hour] [Min] [Sec] [Lat] [Lon] [Depth_km] [UTM_E] [UTM_N] [Elev_m] [VibePoint] [Stage] [Node] [Time_sec] [SNR] [RMSD] Auto-pick method: The p-wave arrival picks were generated from a Akaike information criterion (AIC) algorithm. A window was set for the pick based on predicted travel times generated from a preliminary inversion. The window was +/- 0.1 seconds from the predicted travel time. If no pick was generated within the window at a nodal station, no pick is listed. RMSD is determined from comparing the AIC output to an idealized curve created by stacking the results of several confident picks. Timing and Location: The auto-picker was run on a stack of three to six sweeps. The location was the same for every sweep in the stack. There may be a variation in location between stages, but by no more than a few meters. The timing of the second P-mode sweep was used as the timing info for the stack.